Buy Hypsizygus ulmarius-Elm Oyster Mushrooms

About the product This easy-to-spot mushroom is often mistaken for the common oyster until there is closer examination (common oyster gills are decurrent, elm oysters are not decurrent). It's Latin name Hypsi means "high" or "on high" and zygus means a "yoke" Hypsizygus, then, referring to position of this mushroom often high in the tree. Ulm refers to "elm" indicating one of the common substrates for this fungus. The colour of the fruiting bodies often depends on its substrate and habitat. Caps can measure anywhere from 5 to 15 cm wide. They are white to buff or tan in colour and sometimes developing a pattern of cracks with age. The stipe is white to off white; dry; smooth; stout; and it develops off-centre to nearly central from the cap. They are often mistaken for being the common oyster. Common Name: Elm Oyster Mushrooms Scientific Name: Hypsizygus ulmarius How to use this product: Culinary mushrooms, edible mushrooms Specification...