Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus Obliquus)

Chaga:Inonotus Obliquus
Inonotus Obliquus, more commonly known as the Chaga Mushroom has gained much attention and popularity for its medicinal properties. 
It can be found in the Northwest part of North America, Russia, Korea and parts of northern and eastern Europe. 
It has been used as a natural, holistic treatment for a variety of ailments for over 500 years.
 The chinese have nicknamed it “the king of all plants” and the Japanese call it “Diamond in the forest”.
When looking at the medicinal benefits, it is no wonder why it has become so popular. 

Chaga is known to be rich in B complex vitamins, various minerals, fiber and protein and also contains over 200 phytonutrients. 
It also contains polysaccharides which the body uses as a primary source of energy. 
 It is now being studied for its potential in fighting cancer and is considered to promote overall health and immunity. 
It is considered an adaptogen which means it helps the body respond better to stress.

1. anti-bacterial

2. Antifungal

3. antiviral

4. antipyretic

5. anti-inflammatory
6. Antioxidant
7. anti-tumor
8. Immunity booster
9. Improve concentration
10. Improve performance
11. Improve physical ability

Inonotus Obliquus has a preference for Birch trees but can also grow on Alder, Beech, Oak and Poplar and causes white heart rot.

Its appearance resembles that of charcoal developing a brown/black outer shell that protects its inner orange/yellow meat.
 It may take several years to reach maturity but being the medicinal powerhouse that it is, it is definitely worthwhile!

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933 or
 whatsapp +91-9850985511

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