Chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus)

             Chicken of the woods (Laetiporus sulphureus)

✔Laetiporus sulphureus has been named chicken of the woods for it has a taste and texture similar to chicken.
✔ It grows in the hardwood forests of eastern North America and is considered a delicacy. 
✔There exists several different types of Laetiporus mushrooms that are spread throughout North America and Europe. 
✔It is rich in polysaccharides, which the body uses as a primary source of energy.
✔Currently being studied for its medicinal benefits, it has shown promise to be a great health booster!

1. Anti-cancer
2. Antibacterial
3. Anti-inflammatory
4. Antioxidant

✔Chicken of the woods grows in large, overlapping brackets. It has a soft flesh with a yellow to orange surface, sometimes with bright orange tips and yellow
✔As it ages, the color becomes pale and mildly pungent. It is a parasitic mushroom showing a preference for oak but can grow on other hardwoods, causing brown rot. 
✔It can be used as a chicken substitute and prepared as such.
✔In addition, it retains edibility when frozen, even for long periods of time. 
✔So if you  can’t eat all of your yield, you can easily save it for a rainy day!

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933 or

 whatsapp +91-9850985511

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