Cordyceps Militaris

Cordyceps Militaris 
Cordyceps Militaris has been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine particularly in Tibet, China and Japan. 
There are currently many studies showing how potent of a medicine it is and its various applications and benefits.
 It is rich in polysaccharides, which the body uses as a primary source of energy. 
With all of its beneficial constituents, it’s a great all around health booster.

1. Anti-inflammatory
2. Anti-oxidant
3. Anti-aging
4. Anti-tumour
5. Anti-cancer
6. Anti-microbial
7. Anti-viral
8. Anti-fungal
9. Neuroprotective
10. Liver protective
11. Reno protective
12. Pneumo protective
13. Increase sex drive

In nature, cordyceps militaris is a parasitic fungus, using the body of arthropods such as caterpillars as a host to develop. 
To cultivate it however, it can be grown on a brown rice medium or various agar mixes. 
It should be exposed to light and kept in an environment between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
 To maintain the medicinal benefits however, it is suggested to have some sort of insect otherwise
the mushroom will be mostly starch. 
You could try putting different moth larvae or silk work pupa in your substrate.
Cordyceps Militaris forms long, cylindrical, orange to red fruit bodies that grow 20-50mm high.

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933 or

 whatsapp +91-9850985511

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