Elm Oyster (Hypsizygus ulmarius)

Elm Oyster (Hypsizygus ulmarius)
Highlights: Well adapted to high CO2, high yield, low spore load
Lowlights: No striking color, short shelf life

The Elm Oyster is not a “true” oyster in that it is not in the “Pleurotus” family, although it is a closely related cousin, and most growers still refer to it as an Oyster.
That being said, it does have a few advantages over most other Oysters that make it worth your consideration.
The Elm Oyster is much better at forming normal looking fruits in high CO2 environments, which makes it an excellent candidate for indoor growers, or grow rooms that have a hard time managing the high fresh air requirements of other Oysters.
 It also has a much lower “spore load” than most other Oysters, which can save lots of clean-up and clogged fans.
The Elm Oyster is typically white-beige in color, and forms nice large caps in dense clusters. It grows well on hardwood sawdust or the masters mix. It is fast to colonize, and very friendly to beginners.

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933
Import-biobritte.agro@gmail.com or
 whatsapp +91-9850985511

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