Gold Enoki (Flammulina velutipes)

Gold Enoki (Flammulina velutipes)

Flammulina velutipes, more commonly known as Gold Enoki has been used in Asian cuisine for many years. 
The word Enoki in Japanese means hackberry, referencing the type of tree it grows on naturally.
 It is highly valued in Japan, not only for its culinary purposes, but for its medicinal benefits.
 It is rich in protein, vitamin B3, amino acids and has trace amounts of iron.

1. Antioxidant
2. Supports the immune system
3. Anti-cancer
4. Antiviral
5. Antibacterial

The appearance of Flammulina velutipes grows in clusters and the look varies greatly depending on the environment it was grown in. 
When grown in sunlight, it takes on a dark brown color. Deprived of sunlight, it will be whitish. If it has a lot of oxygen, it will grow shorter and wider, whereas if it doesn’t have much oxygen, it will grow tall with small caps. 
Naturally, it grows on stumps of the Chinese hackberry tree, ash, mulberry and persimmon trees. It has a crisp texture and can be refrigerated for approximately 1 week.

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933 or
 whatsapp +91-9850985511
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