Gold Oyster:Pleurotus citrinopileatus

Gold Oyster:Pleurotus citrinopileatus
Pleurotus citrinopileatus, also known as Gold Oyster, is native to eastern Russia, northern China and Japan. 
Pleurotus species are some of the most commonly cultivated mushrooms, as they are easy to grow and convert organic refuse into fresh mushrooms. 
They are also incredibly nutritious and have shown medicinal benefits, such as lowering cholesterol due to the contents of lovastatins.

1. Lowers cholesterol
2. Supports the kidneys
3. Supports the liver
4. antioxidant
5. Lowers cholesterol

Golden oyster mushrooms is a wood decaying fungus, growing on hardwoods such as elm. 
The fruiting bodies grow in clusters with bright yellow to golden brown caps ranging from 20-65mm in diameter.
They have a velvety, dry surface texture with a thin white flesh and white stem.
It has a mild taste and smell.
 It can be grown on a medium of grain, straw or sawdust. 
You can also add some ofyour organic waste!

For pricing and import please contact
In India- +91-9923806933 or
 whatsapp +91-9850985511

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